coaching and Consulting,

a blended approach

A consultant starts and stops, there’s a deliverable and a clear, measurable goal and once that goal has been met... that's it. It's a short term solution.

A coach is different. Coaching doesn't lead with the answers, we start with questions. Our job is to learn as much about you and your business as possible so that we can help you to create effective solutions and equip you with the tools you need for the long haul. 

At Langhout International, we utilize a blended approach, because we do not believe 'pure coaching' is the most effective approach.  If we see something that we can help you with, we will certainly not 'die with the secret', but instead offer thoughts and ideas that yield breakthroughs contributing to your success.

By working in partnership with CEOs, boards and leadership teams, we help businesses all over the world to create growth strategies, improve company culture, and develop tools that fit their goals, values, and purpose. As far as we're concerned, our clients are the experts on their own organization and industry and our job is to help them to clarify objectives, think strategically, and execute flawlessly.  

One Goal, Many Methods

Whether we're helping CEOs and their leadership teams transform to a more Positive Culture, developing and profitably executing on Effective Growth Strategies, meeting with selected leaders in One-on-One Executive Coaching sessions, or leading peer groups through our Round Tables, everything we do serves one goal: to help our clients Grow Remarkable Companies.  Our Roadmap to Exponential Growth guides our coaching solutions.  Each client engagement is unique and very customized, but for each client we aspire to be effective, and that means growth.  So if you have a strong desire to grow your company, we should have a conversation.

Growth Coaching

Monthly or quarterly Business Growth Coaching sessions with CEOs and their Senior Leadership Team deliver the framework and methodology used by thousands of companies worldwide to successfully Scale their businesses.  .

Interested in arranging a team or one-on-one session for your company? 

Click below to begin your journey with a free consultation.